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Solano Child Care Subsidy Plan 

After over a year of grassroots advocacy efforts, Governor Brown signed AB-377 (Frazier) in October 2017. 

This legislation provides Solano flexibility in subsidized child care contracts to avoid the return of state-allocated subsidy funds, which has cost our county millions of collars in child care resources in the last years.


By 2019, subsidy programs in our county will have the flexibility to improve the efficiency of our system by, for example, increasing income eligibility guidelines for families and offering higher reimbursement rates to providers. Consequently, programs will be able to fully use available subsidies and serve additional children.

In order to make these changes, Solano is required to create a Child Care Subsidy Pilot Plan in 2018 with meaningful input from local stakeholders.  Below you will find updates about the plan design process.

  • Feb. 6th, 2018 –  Web meeting with our CDE Pilot Plan Administrator, Guadalupe Romo-Zedejas

  • Feb. 26th, 2018 – Draft Participation Agreement released to local Contractors and Pilot Ad Hoc Committee members

  • March 15th, 2018 – ​​​ Plan approved at the Local Child Care Planning Council General Meeting  

  • April 24th, 2018 – Plan approved by the County Board of Supervisors


  • May 1st, 2018 – Plan submitted to the California Department of Education

  • July 2019 - Plan approved by the California Department of Education 


Click here to access documents related to the Pilot Plan

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