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Child Abuse Prevention Council

Collaborate, advocate, and educate to improve systems to prevent child abuse and achieve equitable outcomes for Solano County children and youth.

The purpose of the Solano Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC) is to join representatives from city and county agencies, private and community-based organizations, and concerned citizens in coordinating the community’s efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse.

Our mission is for all children and youth in Solano County to be healthy, safe, resilient, and thriving.

Under the Welfare and Institutions Code, Chapter 12.5 section 18982.2, the primary purpose of CAPC is to coordinate the community efforts to prevent and respond to child abuse.  This shall include, but not be limited to the following:

  • Provide a forum for interagency cooperation and coordination in the prevention, detection, treatment, and legal processing of child abuse cases.

  • Promote public awareness of the abuse and neglect of children and the resources available for prevention, intervention, and treatment.

  • Promote and facilitate training of professionals in the detection, treatment, and prevention of child abuse and neglect.

  • Recommend improvements in services to families and victims.

  • Encourage and facilitate community support for child abuse and neglect programs.


The Solano CAPC is made up of 20 volunteer members who represent many public and private agencies, community volunteers, a wide range of professional disciplines, a diversity of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and the various geographical areas of the county.


The Solano Child Abuse Prevention Council meets the first Wednesday of each month, from noon to 2 pm.

Mandated Reporter to Community Supporter

Training Opportunity to Enhance Child Welfare in our Community.

Under California law, those classified as mandated reporters are obligated to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect. However, data reveals that among children reported to have been neglected or abused in 2020, fewer than 1 in 6 were substantiated by the state child welfare system. Notably, Black, Native American, and Latinx children and families are disproportionately reported and involved in the child welfare system.


Recently, the idea of community supporter, rather than mandatory reporter, has taken hold, as Solano County released its comprehensive child abuse prevention plan for 2023-2027. This plan is designed to tackle disparities, prevent child abuse, and educate the community.


Assembly Bill 2085 (AB 2085) came into effect on January 1, 2023, and has redefined general neglect, to recognize that a parent's economic disadvantage should not be considered general neglect. The goal is to shift the existing system of mandated reporters towards becoming community supporters, to keep families strong and united.


In collaboration with Solano County, The Children's Network of Solano County is taking proactive steps to ensure that professionals are well-informed and equipped to navigate the implications of AB 2085 in their work and has been contracted to do county-wide mandated reporter training to create the shift from mandated reporter to community supporter.

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Child abuse is preventable.

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